Welcome to something I just can't drop
Everything here is my own opinion.
I hope to help other developers using the Jade Platform in the right direction.
Please reach out if there's anything I need to add, remove, correct, etc.
When I talk about Jade, I refer to the "platform", the main product from Jade Corporation. Also as the "product", but whatever.
- Jade Corporation refers to the company
- Jade Software refers to products that the company has made (usually with the platform)
- The "documentation" refers to their hodgepodge mess of white papers (technical guides and documents on topics), as well as information about things that should really be more accessible in the integrated development environment that you usually read through the slow, difficult to read, online documentation.
- The "plant" refers to the department within the company that works on the platform, fixing bugs and adding features.
So, I have a lot of things that I'd like to ramble about, help with, and suggest to the plant to improve the product.